Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Things Going Swimmingly

My swimming progress is coming along slowly, but it is definitely progress nevertheless. If you have been reading this blog lately, you would already know that I am basically relearning how to swim, according to long-time swimming athlete Terry Laughlin. Laughlin emphasizes balance in the water and streamlining the swimmer's body in order to make swimming efficient. He also teaches that it is the body's core, not the arms or legs, that provide the energy needed to propel the body forward in water. So I have been going to my (very close) YMCA pool on almost a daily basis, practicing my form each visit for about 15-20 minutes before leaving. I have a long way to go, and it is very clear to me that I have a lot of "unlearning" to do. But "slow and steady" are the watchwords here, and I am working on my form to the exclusion of getting the strenuous physical exercise that I see others doing in the "lanes". My aim is lifelong swimming. So far so good. But it will be interesting as the seasonal temperatures continue to drop and I continue to go to the increasingly chilly pool area! In a way, it will be an ironic reversal of my almost-insane running training I did in very hot summertime conditions. But the YMCA at least heats their outdoor pool up. They plan to keep it open throughout the winter, only keeping it closed on very cold mornings until the temperature climbs to a few degrees over freezing (like around 35). I'll just freeze my ass off getting in and out of the warm water!

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