Saturday, October 16, 2010

Stuck on Studying in Coffee Shops

I think I have been spending a little too much time in coffee shops studying. Maybe, with the turn in the season and its lower temperatures and drier air, this would be a good time to reconnect with the great outdoors and do my studying, writing, and reading in some of the many public parks here in Gainesville.

You might ask, why not just stay at home and do this? Well, I have always seemed to have the need to get out in order to focus my attention properly. But sitting outside in my yard or on my porch should also serve my purposes.

I am not a "home-studier". I need to get away to another place in order to focus my concentration on what I want to do. This has always been the case with me. Had I known that I studied better in coffee shops and diners when I was younger (high school), I might have been able to turn up my grades a notch or two.

Oh, and where am I sitting writing this? No place other than my nearby Dunkin' Donuts, pausing occasionally to swill some of my large coconut-flavored coffee with cream! But I look out the window and it does look pretty. Maybe I should just stuff my study materials into my backpack and ride my bicycle around until I find a suitable spot to establish my temporary outdoors "office".

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