Saturday, October 30, 2010

14.03 Mile Training Run Friday

Yesterday, as expected, the temperature and humidity went down a bit, making a more reasonable training distance possible for me. Although I had slept in and had to be at work early in the afternoon, I still managed to squeeze in a "middle distance" 14.03 mile run. The conditions were so good that I knew that, had I more time at my disposal, I would have been able to cross the 20-mile threshold. I have switched to full-sugar Gatorade (or "G" as they now call it), and I think that this also aided me in maintaining my energy level throughout the workout. The humidity, averaging about 40%, coupled with the temperature (61-75), resulted in me hardly having broken out a sweat during my run. But alas, the temperatures are once again beginning to climb!

Oh, to live in the Pacific Northwest!

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