Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Running Tourist Denied

Earlier this year, while investigating the blogs of others who had run marathons in Florida, I came across the blog of a woman who had run in January’s Disney World Marathon. Her article was very interesting in that she carried a camera with her to photograph her ongoing experience while running it. It was as if she were just continuing her vacation at Disney World as a tourist, only while running in an athletic event.

That idea has simmered within me to the point where I have seriously considering doing the same with my runs. In both May’s Orange Park 5K race and June’s Cross City race, I felt like carrying my digital camera around with me during the runs but put it away at the last minute both times. Why the inner resistance?

When I am not in the “running” state of mind (and it is a special state of mind for me) I see things a little differently. And that includes the idea of taking pictures while running. But when the immediacy of a race is directly in front of me, I tend to want to shed myself of anything that I think is superfluous. Just think of that scene at the beginning of Platoon when experienced combat veteran William Dafoe examines new arrival Charlie Sheen’s pack and keeps throwing out stuff, repeatedly saying “You don’t need this”. That’s kind of like how I feel when about to race. So not only do I put back my camera, but I also take off my cap and glasses (including sunglasses). But I think I’m missing out on something by not photographing my experience.

Take Orange Park: much of the race was along the pretty St. John’s River just south of Jacksonville. And Cross City: they have their magnificent Greenway that I, living here in Gainesville, am so envious of. Plus, there are all of those great “people” and “running” shots that shouldn’t be so hard to set up during a race.

So it’s all set in my mind: I will take pictures during my next race, whenever and wherever that may be. Because that lady running the Walt Disney Marathon had the right idea! I AM a tourist of sorts when I run races, especially out-of-town races. I drove the distance, paid my fee, and will hereby gawk at the sights and photograph them like any tourist worth his mettle (whatever that means) walking down Broadway in Manhattan!

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