Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday Newsbreak: 6/15

--Now that the Internet has grown as much as it has, with all of the businesses and consumers depending so heavily on it, some of the biggest service providers (including Time Warner) are threatening to begin metering usage and charge heavy users for going over their imposed "limits". How utterly stupid of these providers. All this will do is ruin the growth of the Internet and its merging with television and telecommunications! This is not the time to play a "zero-sum" game. Investment in growth is called for instead. I feel, with this breaking story, that many businesses, such as Netflix and Blockbuster Video, are feeling as if a rug is being jerked out from under them.

--Several University of Florida professors from across the academic spectrum are packing up and leaving in pursuit of positions with institutions that believe in investing in the future instead of planned decline. It's not just about those who are leaving, either: in a university dedicated to new ideas, it is of paramount importance to continually bring in new talent. But with hiring freezes and cutbacks, how is this going to happen?

--The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that those imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay (euphemistically called "detainees") have legal recourse in American courts to legally challenge their confinement. For those who disagree with this ruling, I would like to ask how they would like for a foreign country to come over here, arrest their children, and confine them in isolation on some remote island somewhere without any criminal charges levied against them and any way for them to challenge their arrests and detention. The shoe fits differently when it's on YOUR foot.

--I am still wondering when I am ever going to be able to sit down and watch a WNBA game on television. Hopefully, with this dreadful NBA final series between the Celtics and the Lakers approaching its completion, there will be more attention paid to the WNBA. But maybe not.

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